Hôpital privé d’Evry


The Hôpital Privé d'Evry has a number of committees dedicated to continuously improving the quality of patient care.

  • The Users' Commission (CDU) ensures that users' rights are respected and facilitates their procedures.
  • The Pain Control Committee (CLUD) is a centre for reflection and proposals on the prevention, treatment and relief of pain.
  • The Nosocomial Infection Control Committee (CLIN), in collaboration with the Operational Hygiene Team (EOH), works to prevent and control infections by monitoring patients' environments: surfaces, air, water, equipment used and care practices. For more information on the role of these committees, please visit www.almavivasante.fr.

The establishment's other bodies :

    • The OR Council ensures that the organisation and operation of the OR runs smoothly. It brings together representatives of all users of the OR, sterilisation and post-interventional care room (SSPI).
    • The Conférence Médicale d'Etablissement (CME ) brings together all the practitioners working at the clinic. Its aim is to involve the medical profession in the management of the clinic.
    • The Commission du Médicament Et des DIspositifs Médicaux Stériles (COMEDIMS) examines all questions or problems relating to pharmaceutical products.
    • The Transfusion Safety and Haemovigilance Committee ( CSTH ) decides, with the Etablissement Français du Sang (EFS), on the rules to be implemented to guarantee patient transfusion safety.
    • The Cellule d'IdentitoVigilance (CIV) is a system for monitoring and managing the risks and errors associated with patient identification.
    • The Morbidity-Mortality Reviews (RMM) are designed to analyse undesirable medical events in order to study their avoidability and devise preventive measures.
    • The Quality, Risks and Vigilance Committee (CRIVI) coordinates and deploys a quality dynamic, evaluates practices and identifies and analyses risks in order to prevent them.
    • The Commission d'Accompagnement à la Fin de VIE (CAFVIE/Ethics Committee) provides a forum for listening, discussing and reflecting on professional practices.
    • The role of the staff delegation on the Social and Economic Committee (CSE ) is to represent all employees in dealings with the employer in respect of individual or collective claims relating to pay, well-being at work, equality in terms of discrimination, application of the Labour Code and other legal provisions concerning, in particular, social protection, as well as the agreements and conventions applicable in the company. It helps to promote and ensure health, safety and working conditions within the company and carries out investigations into accidents at work and occupational or work-related illnesses. It organises social works for employees within the company.
    • As the staff's representative body vis-à-vis the employer, the Staff Representatives (Délégués du Personnel - DP) report any individual or collective complaints regarding the application of labour regulations.


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Coming to the centre / Contact us

Hôpital privé d’Evry

Come to the centre

By car
By car

From Paris, take the A6 towards Lyon, then the N7 towards the Champs Elysées.

The visitor car park is accessible from Rue de la Clairière.

GPS coordinates: lat: 48.634296 - Ing: 2.425355

By bus
By bus

From Orangis Bois de l'Epine, take the "4241" towards Corbeil-Essonnes.

From Evry-Courcouronnes, take :

the "4217" towards Evry Bras de Fer stop Clinique or the "4241" towards gare d’Orangis Bois de l’Epine stop Lycée Parc des Loges or the "4202" towards Ris-Orangis RER stop Bois Guillaume.
Access by train
Access by train

RER line D

From Gare de Lyon, take the Corbeil-Essonnes or Malesherbes direction.

Get off at Evry-Courcouronnes or Orangis Bois de l'Epine station, a 25-minute walk from the hospital, or take the bus (see "By bus").

Located in the south-east of the Île-de-France region, 28 km south of Paris, Hôpital Privé d'Evry is on the corner of Rue du Bois Guillaume and Boulevard des Champs Elysées.

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01 60 87 86 00


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Hôpital privé d’Evry

1-5 rue de la clairière
91024 Évry Cedex

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Sustainable development

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach is transversal, operational and aims to be as close as possible to the field.
Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.